Many of us use consensus-style decision making in our free/open source projects such as Apache’s lazy consensus model, but often we have a practice or even a governance of having things end up in a majority-wins voting process.
In a majority-wins voting model, the dynamic is one where the dissenters are marginalized — the majority has to put the dissenting minority in the position of being a “loser” in a vote.
In a consensus-decision model with blocking, you have a situation where it becomes the duty of the entire group to take care of the dissenters’ concerns.
In general, consensus decisions force the group to focus on a compromise around the best-possible solution. When people are in the position of being a winner or a loser, the effect is to make people solidify around one of two extremes that may not represent the best possible solution.
Often achieving consensus only requires clarification of a misunderstanding or minor adjustments to the original proposal. This occurs even where no one has blocked, but the appearance of -0 (or a stand aside) will also make it clear that the original proposal might need more thought — getting a -0 from a leading thinker in a group spurs others to wonder if maybe there is more that can be done to make the proposal fully supported.
There are a lot more details to how things work in practice in a consensus-decision model, which I covered fairly well in the Appendix to the CentOS Project Board governance, quoted here:
In the CentOS Project a discussion toward a decision follows this process:
- A proposal is put forth and a check for consensus is made.
- Consensus is signified through a +1 vote.
- A check is made for any dissent on the proposal.
- Reservations? State reservation, sometimes with a ‘-1’ signifier
- Reservations about the proposal are worked through, seeking consensus to resolve the reservations.
- A reservation is not a vote against the proposal, but may turn into a vote against if unresolved. It is often expressed with an initial -1 vote to indicate reservations and concerns. This indicates there is still discussion to be had.
- Stand aside? No comment, or state concerns without a -1 reservation; sometimes the ‘-0’ signifier is used.
- This option allows a member to have issues with the proposal without choosing to block the proposal, by instead standing aside with a +/-0 vote.
- The stated concerns may influence other people to have or release reservations.
- Block? Vote ‘-1’ with reasons for the block.
- This is a complete block on a proposal, refusing to let it pass. A block is a -1 vote and must be accompanied with substantive arguments that are rooted in the merit criteria of the Project – protecting the community, the upstream, technical reasons, and so forth.
Block (-1) votes used as a veto are typically used only when consensus cannot otherwise be met, and are effectively a veto that any sitting Board member can utilize with sufficient substantiation.
In writing the original section of The Open Source Way, I didn’t go so far as to recommend the abandonment of the majority-wins voting method, instead I said, “Seek consensus — use voting as a last resort.” That section (unfinished) is now going to get a rewrite where I’ll definitely come down against majority-wins, and write out more of the why.
Partially I owe my improved understanding from using the consensus model in a business collective where I’m a partner, Santa Cruz Pedicab. Working with the model in the physical world made me intensely aware of the human impact of majority-wins by comparison, and convinced me it was really the backbone to a welcoming community.
Karsten Wade: Why consensus-decision making is better for open source projects
Great post from @quaid on why consensus-driven decision making is better for open source projects #community
#Planet #Fedora – Karsten Wade: Why consensus-decision making is better for open source projects
I am curious what your opinions are on the size and make up of the decision making group. Does this method only work for small groups? Are all members equals? Do you assume that everyone in the group is willing to compromise? And lastly, is this method effective in the corporate setting?
I just read a free “bonus chapter” from The Empowerment Manual by Starhawk called “The Five-Fold Path of Productive Meetings” where she includes excellent material about consensus decision-making. Recommended.
Cameron I don’t think the size really matters – we conduct this sort of process on mailing lists where dozens to hundreds of people can throw up blockers for any proposal. The governance may not recognize all those people’s right to actually block, but that block from a community member can then be acknowledged or carried by a person with the right to cast a block. In the consensus model, all are equal, at least amongst all those with the right to cast a blocking -1 vote (with substantiation.) Yes, the assumption is that people are willing to compromise. Casting a -1 vote is tantamount to saying, “I am so blocked by this that I will leave the organization over it.” This is because all others can choose to come unanimously to a decision to overrule the block by simply going ahead with the proposal, and the blocker will then leave (or be removed by governance rules.) As for effective in corporate setting, I think so but the challenge is that most corporations have a hierarchical structure, and at some point, someone in the “decision chain” will decide that they don’t use consensus of this-or-that point, and then it’s really sort-of-consensus-but-not-really. That is like many projects that have “majority-wins voting” as a last resort.
RT @redhatopen: Why consensus-style decision making is better for open source: by @quaid