I love how KB started CentOS Project online office hours right after our joint announcement about the new relationship between Red Hat and CentOS. I don’t think this sort of thing was happening before, but it’s now a regular part of exposing the inter-workings of the new CentOS Governing Board. This Monday 10 February at 16:00 UTC […]
Category Archives: Students Contributing
GSoC at CentOS office hours
10-Feb-14Fedora Students Contributing is about to get ignored to death. And maybe it should be, or at least put in to suspended animation. Let me explain why I think this might be the right option, if the program doesn’t get what it needs. So what does the program need? More sponsors who provide budget and […]
Folks: For this coming year, if Fedora chooses to participate in the Google Summer of Code (and I think we should), I have decided that I am not going to be involved. This is not complete abandonment. In fact, this blog post is the first of potentially several that can be part of a package […]
Anyone interested in helping us setup, run, and use the Four Seasons of Code (FSoC) tool for the upcoming Fedora Students Contributing session? FSoC is a web-based tool for administering a student contributing program — handling proposals, commenting, automatic reminders, and so forth. There is a running instance to look at, and we could get […]