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Category Archives: Talks

Report and presentation materials for “oVirt – Infrastructure and management platform for the datacenter”


This presentation was the first run of a consolidated slide show about the oVirt project. (ODP, PDF) Wow, it was a lot of dense content to cover, with a range of topics. What is KVM, what is OVA (Open Virtualization Alliance), how KVM works in general, why it’s superior and desirable in the enterprise, history […]

Presentation materials for “How to start an open source project of any scope and size”


Here are the slides from my Friday talk at SCALE10x in the FOSS Mentoring track, “How to start an open source project of any scope and size“: ODP and PDF. These slides are (as usual) under a Creative Commons CC BY SA 3.0. Although a brand-new presentation, I think this one went over pretty well. All […]

SCALE 10X-citement – oVirt and starting a FOSS project


After having to sadly cancel last year for SCALE 9X, my family and I are looking forward (nervously) to SCALE 10X this coming weekend. You’ll see us at: FOSS Mentoring on Friday, I talk at 3 pm. SCALE: The Next Generation on Saturday at 11:30 am, Malakai, Saskia, and Mirano are presenting for the youth event. […]

Open Source Bridge and the evolution of the Catalyst in Communities talk


Working on the next evolution of my talk “Being a Catalyst in Communities – The science behind the open source way” for Open Source Bridge next week in Portland.  It was originally given as a SCALE 8X keynote, and it’s mostly me representing Red Hat.  I’m busy reworking the slides based on feedback I got […]

Video and notes for Art of Invention 2010-03-16 – History of Electronics


This post is a home for my notes and video links for a class I am co-teaching/assisting with today at AFE in Santa Cruz.  The class is Art of Invention for kids in the age range of 8 to 11 (3rd to 5th grade), and last week was the first part of the electronics section.  […]

Community Leadership Summit up on the westside


CLS West is happening this Saturday 9 January at DeVry University in Daly City.  I’ll be there all day, talking about catalyzing and community and stuff, then giving an Ignite talk at a closed-door event. This is a follow-up to the successful CLS that occurred before the last OSCON in San Jose.  The idea was […]

Interesting open systems problem


(This article arose from my sitting on an open source round table on Monday 08 June in Santa Clara, CA at ConnectivityWeek 2009.  My slides with full speaker notes are available.) For those who’ve never heard of building automation systems (BAS) and the smart grid, you have my pardon to take a few minutes to […]

Remix in the mountains – talking Fedora at FeltonLUG


On Saturday 04 April I gave a version of the ‘Fedora Remix’ talk at FeltonLUG.  The Fedora Remix talk covers what remixes and spins are and why to care, then dives in to using all the tools available (`livecd-creator`, `livecd-iso-to-*`,` liveusb-creator`, `pungi`, and `revisor`.)  I used a local `yum` repository of Fedora 10 base, using […]

Show ’em how participation is done with a talk at the Red Hat Summit or JBoss World; deadline extended to 16 March


My favorite thing to hear from the mouth of Red Hat’s CEO Jim Whitehurst is (to paraphrase), “Red Hat is here to help customers becomes contributors to the projects that matter to them.” In that vein, I’ve made a few submissions of a talk/keynote, “Participate or Die“, including one to this year’s Red Hat Summit […]

Stumbling around in the K-12 space


This week I’m fulfilling a talk obligation that David Nalley and I set up last Fall, to talk about the advantages of bringing a culture of participation to the classroom.  In particular, this is the Computer-Using Educators (CUE) conference, with teachers and technology coordinators from K-12 districts across the country.  K-12 is short-hand for primary […]