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Category Archives: Freedom

Social support not private patrols


If you are concerned about how the City of Santa Cruz has stretched in to hiring private security teams to patrol public open spaces, email the City Council by tonight or show up at the Tuesday 26 February meeting. The Council is going to vote on actually legalizing their own practice, and extending it to […]

FAIFcast thoughts


Finally got myself to listen to a “Free as in Freedom” oggcast (aka “faifcast”), specifically the newest episode 0x06.  (I’m not a big audiocast listener normally, to really make it worthwhile I have to be actually listening, and I don’t have a lot of deadtime in my day where my brain is unoccupied such as […]

A few minutes with Groklaw and The Open Source Way


Rebecca Fernandez wrote this article, “Build an authentic, valuable online community“.  In the comments Jason Hibbets pointed out that PJ at Groklaw had picked up Rebecca’s request for help in filling out the empty parts of The Open Source Way dealing with healthy community interaction, especially trolls and other poisonous people. Thus we got “What […]

Freed software


In English we have a well-known confusion with the word/term “free”.  It can refer either to something having no cost/price, or as a reference to essential matters of liberty. Words such as “freedom” might work, but are a bit much to say each team, and to me have the effect of hyperbole — big words […]

Let me say it again: Get off our freedoms!


Chris Dawson, I understand you are concerned about your school system being sued by the RIAA in your post, “Let me say it again: Stop sharing music!” But spreading nonsensical fear and misinformation isn’t the way to do it. It seems an odd choice to restrict academic openness and freedom for the sake of bad […]

New face in meaningful Linux shows, and a reportlet on OpenPrinting


(Back from nose to the grindstone, Spring at home is busy and end-of-quarter targets I’ve been working on for Red Hat are nearing completion. Appears that blogging and tracking email lists has fallen a bit to the wayside.) From Wednesday 08 April to Friday 10 April, I was in fabulous and mildly-rainy San Francisco to […]

Handheld to campus-wide – the OSWALD at OSU


Wow.  It’s not just that the student-designed and -built OSWALD devices are innovative and cool (they are, and I saw the on-campus sweatshop to prove the student-built part.)  The brilliance is the way the OSWALD is the linchpin in an OSU strategy that reinvents computer science teaching, while making room for disciplines outside of CS […]

Polarity of child raising


It seems to me there are two fundamental world views that drive parenting.  Depending on which you subscribe to, it says how you are going to make many choices from there. Your goal is to prepare your child for a rich and abundant life in the real world. Your goal is to let your individual […]

How is licensing fun?


Because Spot in looking out for it. Aside from doing a fantastic job, he is brutally honest. He also has a great turn of phrase: “There’s probably a Perl script running that company now …” (No, I won’t say what company.) Thanks Spot for always being way out front on legal and licensing issues. Fedora […]

Fedora CMS focus and scope


After my post, Why and where Fedora needs a CMS solution, which included a follow-up discussion on fedora-websites-list, there were questions and gentle dissent. I think those stemmed mainly from it not being clear what the intended scope is for a CMS solution. There were also calls for one or another specific CMS solution, which […]