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Category Archives: Education

CentOS and GSoC


With the Google Summer of Code season upon us, I’ve decided to stick my nose right in to the situation and help run a GSoC for the CentOS Project. I was co-admin for Fedora for 6 GSoC sessions, a mentor for a few specific projects including the kick-off for Transifex, and ran the one-off Fedora […]

Fedora joins Google Code-In 2012


Google Code-In is the pre-college program for 13 to 17 year old students to earn prizes for completing tasks in various open source projects., This year will be the first year that the Fedora Project participates. We’re looking to build on many years success with Google Summer of Code, but the stakes here are higher. […]

Astronomy curriculum for Fall 2011


My 13-year-old daughter wanted to take an astronomy class at the local community college, but alas it was full with actual college students. (She can start taking classes at 13, and this was a first interest.) Instead we are going to watch lots of astronomy videos and see what that inspires. Maybe a new project? […]

First fall textbook sprint


This Monday 8 November from 1600 to 2200 UTC we’ll be having the first writing sprint for the next version of the Practical Open Source Software Exploration textbook.  Anyone interested in helping or watching should meet in #teachingopensource on (webchat interface.)  You can attend all, some, or none of the sprint. 🙂 I’ve been […]

Using Four Seasons of Code to help run Fedora Students Contributing program


Anyone interested in helping us setup, run, and use the Four Seasons of Code (FSoC) tool for the upcoming Fedora Students Contributing session? FSoC is a web-based tool for administering a student contributing program — handling proposals, commenting, automatic reminders, and so forth. There is a running instance to look at, and we could get […]

Useful guide’s ideas attract people to a project


One of the response’s I got to from the call for writers for the Practical Open Source Software Exploration textbook was an offer of an  excellent content source, Terry Hancock’s book Achieving Impossible Things With Free Culture and Commons-Based Enterprise.  This is a great example of a longer work that the Practical OSS Exploration textbook […]

Looking for writers for Teaching Open Source textbook


Hey! Do you want to help us write the next version of the first textbook that teaches open source participation? We need writers, editors, reviewers, and researchers to find or create content on: Testing code in FOSS communities. Working in open communities. Different types of open source community cultures. Open communities and diversity. Licensing FOSS  […]

Running a student contributing program the open source way


This is a very exciting opportunity where free and open source software (FOSS) and other organizations meet for mutual benefit and the advancement of open source participation. Who might get to take advantage of this?  Perhaps some people who do not yet even know how they can, as a part of their day job in […]

Do you like knocking on doors?


As it happens, I don’t.  I’m a bit terrified by it. But many people relish the opportunity to help someone solve a problem they didn’t even know they had, or did know but didn’t know who to turn to.  Or they have it solved, but in an unsatisfactory way.  That’s where the people who will […]

It’s time to help organize the next session of Fedora Students Contributing aka Summer Coding


We haven’t formally picked a new name for Fedora Summer Coding, but we need to, and ‘Students Contributing’ has the advantages so far.  We’re not sticking to summer in one hemisphere and we’re already doing projects that are beyond code.  Students Contributing is descriptive of what we’re doing. This post is about the upcoming session […]