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Category Archives: Classroom

First fall textbook sprint


This Monday 8 November from 1600 to 2200 UTC we’ll be having the first writing sprint for the next version of the Practical Open Source Software Exploration textbook.  Anyone interested in helping or watching should meet in #teachingopensource on (webchat interface.)  You can attend all, some, or none of the sprint. 🙂 I’ve been […]

Looking for writers for Teaching Open Source textbook


Hey! Do you want to help us write the next version of the first textbook that teaches open source participation? We need writers, editors, reviewers, and researchers to find or create content on: Testing code in FOSS communities. Working in open communities. Different types of open source community cultures. Open communities and diversity. Licensing FOSS  […]

POSSE Cali schedule updated – now 06 to 10 July


Although a bit late in the game, we decided to move our POSSE forward by a day.  This is to keep us from running against the July 4th weekend. We cooked up a poster and information packet you can read, use, and pass around.  It’s mainly about getting people to the main POSSE Cali page, […]

Three reasons POSSE attracts professors and other educators


College educators, read and pass on the word. POSSE may be the really great experience you’ve been looking for.  The groundbreaker that suddenly makes sense and focus out of attending open source conferences, hurried LUG meetings, and dissatisfaction with the limits of what you can do in the classroom compared to the open world. We’re […]

My POSSE in Cali – Professors’ Open Source Summer Experience


Finally!  This coming 05 to 09 July we are hosting Professors’ Open Source Summer Experience (POSSE) in Mountain View.  And I get to participate as a full instructor in this coolest of programs to come out of the Red Hat community leadership team in the last year. If you are in California this July and […]

Nice round-up from Creative Commons of open source way content


Just caught a nice post by Jane Park on the Creative Commons blog about teaching open source software.  In the post she highlights three new free and open content works that are for education audiences.  All these works are released under Creative Commons licenses (CC BY and CC BY-SA): Practical Open Source Software Exploration: How […]

Textbook released – Practical Open Source Software Exploration


After months of work and a last-weekend rush of conversion from MediaWiki to DocBook+Publican, the Teaching Open Source writing team has released version 0.8 of “Practical Open Source Software Exploration: How to Be Productively Lost the Open Source Way“.  (HTML single-page and PDF.) This week, Dr. Tim Budd at Oregon State University (and member of […]

A better way to use Wikipedia in the classroom


This is an idea I’ve said in presentations and in person over and over again, about time I give it a home. Where Wikipedia is a useful information source and starting place for deeper exploration beyond it’s reference-focused world, there is so much more that can be done with it to help teach the open […]

Observe the operating room – wiki2xml sprint for FOSS textbook


There is a work sprint you might be interested in observing or participating in if you … Use MediaWiki for writing long works and want to see how it is to convert to DocBook XML. Want to know more about using DocBook XML and the Publican publishing toolchain. Enjoy watching people edit XML like mad. […]

Irony of ability – how less helps you do more


Just wanted to highlight this interesting article, talking about an English professor at Oklahoma City University who has Lou Gehrig’s disease.  She teaches her class via video conference, and of necessity has learned a new approach of listening and letting students lead the discussion: Taught by a Terrible Disease This interested me for several reasons. […]