A bunch of us Fedorans are going to be at OSCON next week. The cool Fedora booth! Lots of open source ISVs to ask, “Why aren’t you in Fedora yet?” Free stuff! Hairy booth babes! A trip to the Oregon State University Open Source Labs!!
Aside from the Fedora work, I’ll also be wearing my reporter’s hat for Red Hat Magazine and Dev Fu. Looking for stories, videos, and all the interesting bits I can find.
Best for me, even though I have to come out of my introvert shell to talk with people, I’m going to make sure I’m paired up with one of the nutty extroverts when we talk with ISVs, and I do not have a presentation to prepare for (yay!). Also, the travel is nicely short, no full day used to get there; it should be about 4.5 hours from my house door to meeting up with Jack and Greg at the hotel for the trip to OSU.