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Category Archives: Red Hat

June, what June?


I just noticed that the entire month of June passed, and I’ve been hidden away from the world – off work, off writing, off any community activities – caring for my wife while she goes through some tough times. She’s not out of the woods entirely yet, but clear fields are in sight and I’ve […]

What would you think if I started an internal-to-Red Hat Fedora users list?


So I had an idea this week, partially in response to one of our stellar global support staff members saying that he wishes there was a person or place to send internal people needing user help with Fedora. The kind of help they would get from the external Fedora users mailing list, the kind of […]

Pondering a solution for a K12 strategy, or Treating our community leadership team like a FOSS project


There’s no denying the simple fact.  Our team can’t and won’t have explosive growth. Part of the way to scale ourselves we have always done, which is to engage with other community leaders and leverage each other.  Recently I had a new idea that we could fill out our circle on education and open source […]

Yay! More new people to play with


This morning I caught Simon Phipps’ dent about a 451 CAOS Theory report by Matthew Aslett, “The golden age of open source?“  In that report, Aslett describes our arriving at a fourth stage of commercial open source.  This fourth stage is highlighted by a return to community and collaboration.  Examples given are ones where different […]

Midway point approaching for Fedora Summer Coding


The season is clipping right along for Fedora Summer Coding.  The projects are set and running, and we’re approaching the mid-term evaluation period 05 to 12 July. A quick look at the numbers: 15 students and projects. 20 primary mentors, with 15+ more general mentors (includes mentoring the mentors) Three funding sources (two from Red […]

Great stuff at Open Your World Forum, plus me


This Thursday, 27 May, I am going to be closing out a day of awesome talks in an online seminar called Open Your World Forum.  This is a production from, and if the quality of the line-up this time is any indication, the producers have some great talent at drawing together a wide range […]

Open Source Bridge and the evolution of the Catalyst in Communities talk


Working on the next evolution of my talk “Being a Catalyst in Communities – The science behind the open source way” for Open Source Bridge next week in Portland.  It was originally given as a SCALE 8X keynote, and it’s mostly me representing Red Hat.  I’m busy reworking the slides based on feedback I got […]

Nice round-up from Creative Commons of open source way content


Just caught a nice post by Jane Park on the Creative Commons blog about teaching open source software.  In the post she highlights three new free and open content works that are for education audiences.  All these works are released under Creative Commons licenses (CC BY and CC BY-SA): Practical Open Source Software Exploration: How […]

First keynote – crush or trash at #SCALE8x?


This past Saturday I gave my first keynote at the eighth Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE 8x), and I was pretty pleased with the results.  Informal survey says I crushed it, but you can take a look yourself below.  (Part 1 and Part 2) Overall, the keynote went great.  No real glitches and I survived […]

Improving the FLOSS legal landscape


At the close of SCALE 8x I caught a presentation by my colleague Richard Fontana, who was talking on Improving the Open Source Legal System.  Richard’s proposal is to consider FLOSS licensing and legal landscape as its own international legal system.  This is instead of how we do it now, which is to try mapping […]