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Tag Archives: theopensourceway

A few minutes with Groklaw and The Open Source Way


Rebecca Fernandez wrote this article, “Build an authentic, valuable online community“.  In the comments Jason Hibbets pointed out that PJ at Groklaw had picked up Rebecca’s request for help in filling out the empty parts of The Open Source Way dealing with healthy community interaction, especially trolls and other poisonous people. Thus we got “What […]

Great stuff at Open Your World Forum, plus me


This Thursday, 27 May, I am going to be closing out a day of awesome talks in an online seminar called Open Your World Forum.  This is a production from, and if the quality of the line-up this time is any indication, the producers have some great talent at drawing together a wide range […]

Open Source Bridge and the evolution of the Catalyst in Communities talk


Working on the next evolution of my talk “Being a Catalyst in Communities – The science behind the open source way” for Open Source Bridge next week in Portland.  It was originally given as a SCALE 8X keynote, and it’s mostly me representing Red Hat.  I’m busy reworking the slides based on feedback I got […]

Source repository for The Open Source Way


One of the goals of writing “The Open Source Way: Creating and nurturing communities of contributors” is to make a book that can be remixed for community work in any way someone needs, including customized branding and output to formats such as HTML, PDF, Epub, and so forth.  In making the book I did a […]