Massive props to John Poelstra and FESCo for the creation and stewardship of the Fedora feature process.
As a documenter, this initiative was pretty important to me. I wanted to see that our release overview/summary and full release notes actually talked about features that mattered and were real. Too often we found out about a cool new feature after the notes were frozen, or that a feature was dropped and the notes documenting it never updated.
The Fedora 8 release cycle was like a breath of fresh air in comparison. We knew early on what were the likely contenders for features, and content was committed with plenty of time to make the summaries and notes.
Now that Fedora 9 is on the table, John has announced the updates to the feature process. Ongoing every week in FESCo is a review and acceptance process for features. This all is being nicely tied into a release schedule.
On the documentation side, we’re going to produce and maintain one, single release overview. This release overview is to live in Docs/Beats/OverView and get reused for the Releases/9/ReleaseSummary and other PR/marketing purposes.