Here’s an interesting job:
Red Hat has large cachet with upstream, open source developers, and our relationship with mainstream, corporate developers is fair but scattered. Strong in the Java area, nice developer studio, but what’s the cohesive story? How do we interact as a whole with software vendor (ISV) partners and developers who work for our customers?
It seems likely that the above job will interact and work in those areas. In fact, the role is described as rather senior – perhaps someone with the right skills and personality could wrestle serious improvements to the Red Hat developer experience for customers and vendor partners? This role is inside of the ISV ecosystem team probably because of a need for evanglism to ISV developers as well as customer developers.
When I use the term corporate developer, I mean the person who builds and supports applications that run inside of enterprises and SMBs, written by the staff for the staff. These are folks who are looking for:
- Best practices for developing on top of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
- How to package and deploy software the Red Hat way.
- Tutorials on how to use developer-focused tools in a Red Hat environment, from JBoss through Eclipse to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV).
- Forums to find answers and ask questions.
- 24×7 non-interactive support and solutions, so they can get their work done at their own pace.
You or anyone you know interested in this sort of work? Contact me or just apply yourself.