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Category Archives: Fedora

Yay! More new people to play with


This morning I caught Simon Phipps’ dent about a 451 CAOS Theory report by Matthew Aslett, “The golden age of open source?“  In that report, Aslett describes our arriving at a fourth stage of commercial open source.  This fourth stage is highlighted by a return to community and collaboration.  Examples given are ones where different […]

Happy birthday Ray


Author Ray Bradbury turns 90 years old on 22 August 2010.  The Planetary Society is presenting him with a huge birthday card with good wishes from people such as you and I.  You can post your birthday greeting for him until 9 August. The greetings are limited to 250 characters, and I took advantage […]

OSCON and CLS 2010 highlights


As usual, when I get back from a big conference and trip, my mind is full processing everything that happened, and my life is full recovering from the effects of the travel.  Instead of a full report right here and now, I’m going to give a quick highlight of the latter part of July 2010. […]

Midway point approaching for Fedora Summer Coding


The season is clipping right along for Fedora Summer Coding.  The projects are set and running, and we’re approaching the mid-term evaluation period 05 to 12 July. A quick look at the numbers: 15 students and projects. 20 primary mentors, with 15+ more general mentors (includes mentoring the mentors) Three funding sources (two from Red […]

A few minutes with Groklaw and The Open Source Way


Rebecca Fernandez wrote this article, “Build an authentic, valuable online community“.  In the comments Jason Hibbets pointed out that PJ at Groklaw had picked up Rebecca’s request for help in filling out the empty parts of The Open Source Way dealing with healthy community interaction, especially trolls and other poisonous people. Thus we got “What […]

Summer rolling in Fedora Summer Coding


The best part of Fedora Summer Coding 2010 has begun: students are working on their projects with mentors and related communities.  Although some of it may happen on the program discussion list, most of that work should be in those related communities.  We’ll start seeing student and mentor blog posts on the Fedora Planet, and […]

Attending Fedora 13 release party in Walnut Creek

29-May-10 If you are going, see you there. Tomorrow morning I’ll get some goodies from Larry Cafiero up in Felton, and our media selection is going to be hand burned DVDs and CDs.  Doubt we have any labels, so a Fedora sticker and a permanent ink pen it is … I’ll bring a few ISOs […]

Death to the postmortem, long live …


Every release cycle in Fedora I see folks use the term postmortem to refer to discussions after the release that focus on analysing what happened during the release, with a focus on fixing mistakes and repeating successes.  This is a neologism borrowed from domains such as business. Humans are wordy people, and the effects of […]

Applause for “How to ask FOSS developers for features” post


In the vein of other great “how to help in FOSS projects” emails, presentations, and so forth, the Fedora developer list saw another one from Richard ‘hughsie’ Hughes, titled “Sending a sensible email“.  It begins: There appears to be a trend on this list where a random user just posts an inflammatory email with “ACME […]

POSSE Cali schedule updated – now 06 to 10 July


Although a bit late in the game, we decided to move our POSSE forward by a day.  This is to keep us from running against the July 4th weekend. We cooked up a poster and information packet you can read, use, and pass around.  It’s mainly about getting people to the main POSSE Cali page, […]