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Category Archives: ISV

New community manager position on my team


You may have heard that the Community Architecture & Leadership team recently graduated another founding member, this time Max Spevack, who went to work at Amazon. Right now we are looking for someone who can take over significant focus on Fedora, as well as provide skills in community consulting and strategy for other Red Hat […]

Alfresco packaging for Fedora


Alfresco is one of the applications I’ve heard regular chatter around, “It would be great if it were packaged for Fedora.” In fact, the breakdown of JARs and some of the dependencies for Alfresco was one of the starting actions of the Fedora ISV special interest group. Do you have any interest in seeing Alfresco […]

Who owns your file system and what you put on it?


This was the central question I reckon I carried away after talking with folks from Nexenta.  They have an open source core,, that uses an OpenSolaris kernel with ZFS and a rebuilt Debian non-GUI userspace.  The combination provides network attached storage (NAS) with lots of potential as an open solution. What resonated most with […]

Apache Hadoop in Fedora? Let’s ask Cloudera


If you happen to be a user of Apache Hadoop, or want to use Cloudera‘s cloud software, it is available as an RPM from the company’s website.  Oh, with a long set of installation instructions that include extracting RPMs from Sun’s Java 6 installer. I thought, wouldn’t it be nice if you could just do […]