There was an article in the San Jose Mercury News about my daughters and their friend. My eldest’s reactions to the article included specifying that it was her friend who self-identified as a geek and was OK with that ID. My daughter doesn’t self-identify that way, and her reaction got me thinking. As with other […]
Category Archives: Fedora
Thinking on geeking
03-Mar-10Summer coding FAD
02-Mar-10On the Friday of SCALE 8x we had a Fedora Activity Day (FAD) focused on getting ready for Google Summer of Code 2010. As usual, we had people drop by to see what was going on, since “activity day” is an unclear bit of clubspeak. (By clubspeak, I mean the language we use as insiders […]
Pay attention if you want to know more about Zikula, want to work with it, and can spend some time helping Fedora Infrastructure. Especially if you can do design and know (enough) CSS. Today I sat with my project manager glasses participating in an IRC work session on Fedora Insight. The session, much of which […]
New skin, new list
26-Feb-10Put up a new look for The Open Source Way tonight. Graphic came from Red Hat Design and I like it. Figured I would just put it up and try it on for size; see what opinions arise. Also another milestone tonight, I broke open the new mailing list and sent some random messages. I […]
Improving the FLOSS legal landscape
22-Feb-10At the close of SCALE 8x I caught a presentation by my colleague Richard Fontana, who was talking on Improving the Open Source Legal System. Richard’s proposal is to consider FLOSS licensing and legal landscape as its own international legal system. This is instead of how we do it now, which is to try mapping […]
Finishing SCALE 8x with a *whew*
21-Feb-10From the big drive down, the FAD on Friday, through my keynote on Saturday, and the flurry of the event following that, I’m finishing off SCALE 8x with Richard Fontana’s talk on improving FOSS licensing. (Addendum, I was when I wrote that, but now it’s the next morning, epic drive home complete.) “I like the […]
Freed software
17-Feb-10In English we have a well-known confusion with the word/term “free”. It can refer either to something having no cost/price, or as a reference to essential matters of liberty. Words such as “freedom” might work, but are a bit much to say each team, and to me have the effect of hyperbole — big words […]
As of this week’s plan, Richard Fontana and I are going to be at the Red Hat booth from 2 to 4 pm on Saturday 20 February at the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) 8x. Being careful not to give legal advice, I think we’ll be there to have freeform discussions around: How and why […]
Blowing open the doors to contributions
16-Feb-10A few key pieces just fell in place and now we can easily open The Open Source Way for contributions. All the legal bits passed muster, and the new contribution policy explains the rules. It’s simple enough – by contributing, you agree to put your contributions under the CC BY SA 3.0 Unported. Read the […]
In January 2010 I participated in an Ignite session at the Community Leadership Summit West. CLS West is a subset of the annual CLS, to be held this year again near OSCON in Portland, OR on 17 and 18 July 2010. This talk is in O’Reilly’s Ignite format, which is 20 slides that auto-advance every […]