In the vein of other great “how to help in FOSS projects” emails, presentations, and so forth, the Fedora developer list saw another one from Richard ‘hughsie’ Hughes, titled “Sending a sensible email“. It begins: There appears to be a trend on this list where a random user just posts an inflammatory email with “ACME […]
Category Archives: Free Culture
One of the goals of writing “The Open Source Way: Creating and nurturing communities of contributors” is to make a book that can be remixed for community work in any way someone needs, including customized branding and output to formats such as HTML, PDF, Epub, and so forth. In making the book I did a […]
Just caught a nice post by Jane Park on the Creative Commons blog about teaching open source software. In the post she highlights three new free and open content works that are for education audiences. All these works are released under Creative Commons licenses (CC BY and CC BY-SA): Practical Open Source Software Exploration: How […]
After months of work and a last-weekend rush of conversion from MediaWiki to DocBook+Publican, the Teaching Open Source writing team has released version 0.8 of “Practical Open Source Software Exploration: How to Be Productively Lost the Open Source Way“. (HTML single-page and PDF.) This week, Dr. Tim Budd at Oregon State University (and member of […]
More on Publican
01-Apr-10When writing about the Practical Open Source Software Exploration textbook release, I had a bunch of extra thoughts about Publican that I wanted to separate out to its own post. My sense is that Publican is in good shape for groups to adopt and extend.1Â For example, there was a recent discussion in a MeeGo […]
Thinking on geeking
03-Mar-10There was an article in the San Jose Mercury News about my daughters and their friend. My eldest’s reactions to the article included specifying that it was her friend who self-identified as a geek and was OK with that ID. My daughter doesn’t self-identify that way, and her reaction got me thinking. As with other […]
New skin, new list
26-Feb-10Put up a new look for The Open Source Way tonight. Graphic came from Red Hat Design and I like it. Figured I would just put it up and try it on for size; see what opinions arise. Also another milestone tonight, I broke open the new mailing list and sent some random messages. I […]
Freed software
17-Feb-10In English we have a well-known confusion with the word/term “free”. It can refer either to something having no cost/price, or as a reference to essential matters of liberty. Words such as “freedom” might work, but are a bit much to say each team, and to me have the effect of hyperbole — big words […]
As of this week’s plan, Richard Fontana and I are going to be at the Red Hat booth from 2 to 4 pm on Saturday 20 February at the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) 8x. Being careful not to give legal advice, I think we’ll be there to have freeform discussions around: How and why […]
Blowing open the doors to contributions
16-Feb-10A few key pieces just fell in place and now we can easily open The Open Source Way for contributions. All the legal bits passed muster, and the new contribution policy explains the rules. It’s simple enough – by contributing, you agree to put your contributions under the CC BY SA 3.0 Unported. Read the […]