On Friday I had a good chat with Jono Bacon, who dreamed up the Community Leadership Summit, and Mel Chua, community leader from OLPC and Sugar who is interning with my team this summer. Unsurprisingly, Jono has a lot of stuff sewn up and ready to go, including venue courtesy of O’Reilly. New and useful: […]
Category Archives: Leadership
And I didn’t have to do a thing
10-Jun-09This is the first Fedora release since … Fedora Core 3? … where I wasn’t buried up to my neck getting the documentation ready for release. Paul and I have carried the Fedora Docs banner for a long time, but it became very obvious that we were standing in the way of progress by enabling […]
The evolution of Fedora as an entity of freedom has been an interesting experience. For example, participation in the project wasn’t always as freely available as it is now. Before Core merged with Extras in Fedora 7, the only way to contribute to the central part of the distro was via an employee of Red […]
If you, your friends, colleagues, business associates, or just about anyone who needs … Support for how and why to invest resources in open source A cluebat about why your organization should participate in upstream projects … then send them to Esplanade 302 for my 11:50 am session this Monday 01 June, the first day […]
When I was studying some of the Fedora statistics recently I wanted to see them graphed out. The raw numbers weren’t speaking thoroughly to me, and when I started pushing them in to various types of charts, some interesting details revealed themselves. In particular, the one around edits to the Fedora wiki. The graphic shows […]
Max is totally spot-on, and I only want to add a thing or two about community organizing, (After all, isn’t a little building and a little organizing what we do? I love the deep irony in the title “Community Manager”. Can you say, “Cat Herder”? How about, “Oxy Moron”?) Watching David Nalley be interviewed, he […]
Wow. It’s not just that the student-designed and -built OSWALD devices are innovative and cool (they are, and I saw the on-campus sweatshop to prove the student-built part.) The brilliance is the way the OSWALD is the linchpin in an OSU strategy that reinvents computer science teaching, while making room for disciplines outside of CS […]
Community sets
14-Apr-09Some thoughts around community sets and the pyramid of community involvement. There are many kinds of communities, particularly around technology: People who use a technology People who like a technology People who advocate for a technology People who enable others to use a technology People who contribute to improve a technology When we talk about […]
After we discovered, along with our pals from the Linux Foundation, that the Fedora Project didn’t have any one to represent Fedora on a community contributions panel at the Collaboration Summit, the right folks at LF got together with us and sorted out what we needed to do. I volunteered to represent Fedora, and got […]
Failure as the secret of success
28-Feb-09People get mad at the Fedora Project all the time because something important to them fails to work. “It used to work, it worked for a long time, and now it’s broken!” They look at an idea that we tried out, failed, and learned from, and don’t understand how we could let that get in […]