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Category Archives: Online life

Microphone check, one two, one two


Well, hello there. It’s clearly been a long time since I’ve blogged here. If you want to know why, I’ll tell you, extensively, about the intervening time … but over on my new personal long-form writing site at It’s not ready yet, I’ll let you know when it is via an blog post […]

Dangers of in-person meetings for an existing community


It is inarguable there is a lot of value that we humans get from meeting with people in person. For a free/open source software project, this is often cited as the glue that holds together people whose normal interactions are textual (email, IRC) and lower-resolution than an in-person interaction gives. People who are bound together […]

Mailing list web interface magic


For a while now folks I know have been talking about how to reoutfit Mailman so it has a proper web front-end. The idea would be to provide additional features, make open source mailing lists friendly to web forum loving people, and keep hardcore email-only contributors able to participate in the same medium as free-wheeling […] planet using OpenShift


After Jason Brooks made an OpenShift quickstart for Venus, the blog feed aggregator known as a planet, I knew it was time to finally get off the ground. I registered this domain years ago as a community project identity for getting free expo passes to LinuxWorld. It was just an idea for a domain […]

Blog back from cracked


This blog was offline for a few weeks, as well as some other websites of mine, after they all go infected with a PHP hack that inserted into each file code that was disguised in base64. It most likely vectored-in via an unpatched exploit in one of the sites. It all started somewhat small with […]

Thinking about an audiocast for The Open Source Way


OK, so we’ve got this interesting, upstream, canonical, referenceable community to write cleverly and talk about the principles of the open source way. Also, hey, let’s gather some details on how to implement these principles! But *yawn*, pardon me, even a genius can’t make that prose very interesting. It needs some stories. A big part […]

A simple offlineimap tip with some mutt goodness


A few years back I switched away from a GUI email client for work and back to ‘mutt’.  While ‘mutt’ can handle doing an IMAP connection directly, I wanted to gain from the speed and portability of having fully local folders.  (This is more feasible, I think, since encrypting hard drives became so much easier; […]

Onion marmalade recipe first draft


I decided to make-up an onion marmalade recipe without doing any research.  Knowing the final result would still have an onion-y flavor, I figured on complementing it with other flavors that would let it be a sweet+savory topping for a nice hearty bread, quickbread, scrambled eggs, biscuit, steamed vegetables, even a plain grain such as […]

A few minutes with Groklaw and The Open Source Way


Rebecca Fernandez wrote this article, “Build an authentic, valuable online community“.  In the comments Jason Hibbets pointed out that PJ at Groklaw had picked up Rebecca’s request for help in filling out the empty parts of The Open Source Way dealing with healthy community interaction, especially trolls and other poisonous people. Thus we got “What […]

Contributor CV and recommendations


Listening to a call about the cool stuff our Community Architecture team is doing with education (such as POSSE and, I had an idea.  Is it a simple idea?  Yes.  An elegant idea?  So far. It’s an opt-in system to track an individual’s contributions and recommendations from others within the Fedora Project community.  […]