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Category Archives: Events

Finishing SCALE 8x with a *whew*


From the big drive down, the FAD on Friday, through my keynote on Saturday, and the flurry of the event following that, I’m finishing off SCALE 8x with Richard Fontana’s talk on improving FOSS licensing. (Addendum, I was when I wrote that, but now it’s the next morning, epic drive home complete.) “I like the […]

Talk legalese with us – Red Hat booth Saturday at SCALE 8x


As of this week’s plan, Richard Fontana and I are going to be at the Red Hat booth from 2 to 4 pm on Saturday 20 February at the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) 8x. Being careful not to give legal advice, I think we’ll be there to have freeform discussions around: How and why […]

Cranking up to SCALE 8x


This is going to be one wickedly fantastic Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) 8x. Our Fedora presence is growing, both in depth of roots in the area and the scope of what we are trying to do.  A local Fedora Ambassador is organizing the Fedora Project expo presence.  There are a few stalwart Fedora community […]

My turn to miss the NA FUDCon


Perhaps I’ve missed one in the past, I don’t recall, but my t-shirt drawer says I’ve been to most of the FUDCons in North America since they started.  As it happens, I have to skip the one this coming weekend in Toronto.  I haven’t been to that fair city and I’d looked forward to meeting […]

STS-129 Ascent Video – WOW!


This launch and ascent video is phenomenal.  The editing makes a lot of it, but it’s the sheer quality and multiple angles of footage in the first place that make it a real adrenalin rush. Two words: “booster cam”.  ‘Nuff said. STS-129 Ascent Video Highlights on Vimeo:

How to choose – a community difference moment


I’ve a little story I want to share with you. I’m telling it because it’s about the larger discussion of who you are and why you are drawn to one Linux distro over another.  Or one music style over another.  And so on.  It’s also about the differences between Fedora and Ubuntu, both in terms […]

OpenSource World as predicted


I was a bit melancholy last week when OpenSourceWorld was happening in San Francisco.  I have barely missed this event since I had my mind cracked open in 2001.  But I stood firmly by my boycott of the event.  If they were going to act ashamed of and stupid about the open source projects and […]

A swing, a miss, and a homerun – CLS day one


A whole first day and whole event full of observations, rich moments, and lots and lots and lots of value.  What else can you expect when you get together 200+ self-identified community organizer types?  People are active, engaged, energetic, enthusiastic, approachable and approaching, and fully responsible.  During the event, and now following, I did my […]

Fedora and OSCON and you?


We’re getting ready to represent Fedora at OSCON next week and are curious if you are coming?  Wondering if you’ve thought about representing Fedora yourself? The expo is Wed. 22 July and Thu. 23 July, opening at 10 am both days. Although the Fedora Ambassador presence worldwide is large and strong, not exactly the same […]

Community Leadership Summit jelling – wiki up, attendees list grows


On Friday I had a good chat with Jono Bacon, who dreamed up the Community Leadership Summit, and Mel Chua, community leader from OLPC and Sugar who is interning with my team this summer.  Unsurprisingly, Jono has a lot of stuff sewn up and ready to go, including venue courtesy of O’Reilly. New and useful: […]