This summer I’ve been trying to find other sponsors for the Fedora Summer Coding program. Timing was short from the start, but it was worth the effort. I’m not having much success, and I think that’s as much about my weakness in this area as a lack of interest or budget. I should get out […]
Category Archives: Fedora
Six slides about The Open Source Way
05-May-10After a colleague asked me for a few slides about the handbook The Open Source Way: Creating and nurturing communities of contributors, I realized I needed to put together a shorter presentation (with notes!) that could be reused. As it so happens, I also need some slides for an upcoming online seminar, Open Your World […]
Finally! This coming 05 to 09 July we are hosting Professors’ Open Source Summer Experience (POSSE) in Mountain View. And I get to participate as a full instructor in this coolest of programs to come out of the Red Hat community leadership team in the last year. If you are in California this July and […]
One of the goals of writing “The Open Source Way: Creating and nurturing communities of contributors” is to make a book that can be remixed for community work in any way someone needs, including customized branding and output to formats such as HTML, PDF, Epub, and so forth. In making the book I did a […]
Just caught a nice post by Jane Park on the Creative Commons blog about teaching open source software. In the post she highlights three new free and open content works that are for education audiences. All these works are released under Creative Commons licenses (CC BY and CC BY-SA): Practical Open Source Software Exploration: How […]
In today’s SIG meeting, the group decided to move back our schedule by a month so we can: Give mentors more time to generate good ideas; Give students more time to generate good proposals; Give organizers more time to find sponsors and funding. The last one is the most important to me. We only have […]
Jason Hiner, Editor-in-Chief over at Tech Republic, wrote an article where he describes what Canonical and Ubuntu can teach Microsoft, Apple, and others. Ironically, every virtue he praises Ubuntu for are all virtues they gain from practicing the open source way. Here’s his list of what is “the secret of success for Canonical”: “Methodically produce […]
Has your company every wanted to partner with Google on their Summer of Code? (It’s not something they share, and I know people have asked.) Don’t answer too quickly. You might want to check with some contacts in other departments, see if there ever has been interest in tapping the deeper benefits of sponsoring a […]
Start here – But here is some more, in case you want to read it.
We are trying to turn the lights on for a new program this year, Fedora Summer Coding 2010. This is more than making lemonade out of lemons. After we figured out that the whole idea of summer coding wasn’t kinda-sorta-good but actually pretty great when done right for your own community, it was clear we […]