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Category Archives: FLOSS

Presentation materials for “How to start an open source project of any scope and size”


Here are the slides from my Friday talk at SCALE10x in the FOSS Mentoring track, “How to start an open source project of any scope and size“: ODP and PDF. These slides are (as usual) under a Creative Commons CC BY SA 3.0. Although a brand-new presentation, I think this one went over pretty well. All […]

oVirt workshop


The first oVirt workshop starts up at 8:30 am on Tuesday 1 November at Cisco Building O in Milpitas, CA. This event is the open sourcing of the code behind the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) management console. These assets have been rewritten in Java from the original implementation by the team that was originally […]

Lindependence Hour starting up in Santa Cruz


Larry and Drew got talking on #lindependence about the idea of holding a regular hour-long Linux event at a local coffee shop, and they pulled me in to the idea.  The event is styled on the Ubuntu Hour concept.  In discussing it, Larry really wanted to emphasize a distro-agnostic viewpoint.  I like Larry’s approach.  First, […]

First fall textbook sprint


This Monday 8 November from 1600 to 2200 UTC we’ll be having the first writing sprint for the next version of the Practical Open Source Software Exploration textbook.  Anyone interested in helping or watching should meet in #teachingopensource on (webchat interface.)  You can attend all, some, or none of the sprint. 🙂 I’ve been […]

Big weekend in Utah


It’s the last day flurry around here as we get ready for Utah Open Source Conference (UTOSC) this weekend. On Wednesday, my girls and Larry and his girl are catching a train in Emeryville, CA.  It’s a 19 hour journey to Salt Lake City, which seems long but is only 7 more hours each way […]

Do you like knocking on doors?


As it happens, I don’t.  I’m a bit terrified by it. But many people relish the opportunity to help someone solve a problem they didn’t even know they had, or did know but didn’t know who to turn to.  Or they have it solved, but in an unsatisfactory way.  That’s where the people who will […]

Understanding computer scientists


This the question I’m trying to answer: How can a computer scientist do research without using and producing only free and open source software? This question is the corollary that follows from this hypothesis: Free and open source software (FOSS) is the only way to produce and use software that follows the scientific method. There […]

Pondering a solution for a K12 strategy, or Treating our community leadership team like a FOSS project


There’s no denying the simple fact.  Our team can’t and won’t have explosive growth. Part of the way to scale ourselves we have always done, which is to engage with other community leaders and leverage each other.  Recently I had a new idea that we could fill out our circle on education and open source […]

Midway point approaching for Fedora Summer Coding


The season is clipping right along for Fedora Summer Coding.  The projects are set and running, and we’re approaching the mid-term evaluation period 05 to 12 July. A quick look at the numbers: 15 students and projects. 20 primary mentors, with 15+ more general mentors (includes mentoring the mentors) Three funding sources (two from Red […]

Open Source Bridge and the evolution of the Catalyst in Communities talk


Working on the next evolution of my talk “Being a Catalyst in Communities – The science behind the open source way” for Open Source Bridge next week in Portland.  It was originally given as a SCALE 8X keynote, and it’s mostly me representing Red Hat.  I’m busy reworking the slides based on feedback I got […]