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Category Archives: Community

Social support not private patrols


If you are concerned about how the City of Santa Cruz has stretched in to hiring private security teams to patrol public open spaces, email the City Council by tonight or show up at the Tuesday 26 February meeting. The Council is going to vote on actually legalizing their own practice, and extending it to […]

Contributor agreements – the grass is browner


If you’ve been looking to implement a contributor license agreement (CLA), or your free/open source software project already has one, I wanted to let you know that the grass is greener on this side of the fence. As soon as you can, burn your CLA and never look back. I’ve had more than my fair […]

Response to ‘Meaning of “the only thing that could have happened”’


After I setup John D. Smith’s account on The Open Source Way wiki, I followed up to look at his website and discovered he is one of the authors (with Etienne Wenger and Nancy White) of “Digital Habitats: stewarding technology for communities”. This is a book out of the communities of practice milieu, and in […] planet using OpenShift


After Jason Brooks made an OpenShift quickstart for Venus, the blog feed aggregator known as a planet, I knew it was time to finally get off the ground. I registered this domain years ago as a community project identity for getting free expo passes to LinuxWorld. It was just an idea for a domain […]

Report and presentation materials for “oVirt – Infrastructure and management platform for the datacenter”


This presentation was the first run of a consolidated slide show about the oVirt project. (ODP, PDF) Wow, it was a lot of dense content to cover, with a range of topics. What is KVM, what is OVA (Open Virtualization Alliance), how KVM works in general, why it’s superior and desirable in the enterprise, history […]

Presentation materials for “How to start an open source project of any scope and size”


Here are the slides from my Friday talk at SCALE10x in the FOSS Mentoring track, “How to start an open source project of any scope and size“: ODP and PDF. These slides are (as usual) under a Creative Commons CC BY SA 3.0. Although a brand-new presentation, I think this one went over pretty well. All […]

SCALE 10X-citement – oVirt and starting a FOSS project


After having to sadly cancel last year for SCALE 9X, my family and I are looking forward (nervously) to SCALE 10X this coming weekend. You’ll see us at: FOSS Mentoring on Friday, I talk at 3 pm. SCALE: The Next Generation on Saturday at 11:30 am, Malakai, Saskia, and Mirano are presenting for the youth event. […]

oVirt workshop


The first oVirt workshop starts up at 8:30 am on Tuesday 1 November at Cisco Building O in Milpitas, CA. This event is the open sourcing of the code behind the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) management console. These assets have been rewritten in Java from the original implementation by the team that was originally […]

New community manager position on my team


You may have heard that the Community Architecture & Leadership team recently graduated another founding member, this time Max Spevack, who went to work at Amazon. Right now we are looking for someone who can take over significant focus on Fedora, as well as provide skills in community consulting and strategy for other Red Hat […]

Working group on community metrics


Are you one of us few, lucky people who attempt to keep track of the health of one or more communities? Have you written any tools, processes, or other content/code that helps you with this? (For example, our team wrote and uses EKG for mailing list analysis.) Are you looking for a commons to share […]