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Cardamom coffee


(If you like this recipe, try out the next evolution, the Mexicano, a Mexican-style mocha.)

When I first read about the idea of putting cardamom in coffee, I was intrigued. I’ve always appreciated the effects of fresh, green cardamom pods in cooking, and the idea of an old Arabic tradition for welcoming a guest with hot cardamom coffee was too cool to not figure out.

But all the recipes I found didn’t treat the coffee beans, cardamom seeds, or resulting brew in a way I liked. I think many relied upon an older way of making coffee, where you simmer chunky-ground beans and seeds in a pot, then strain and sweeten. I’m more of a modern, fresh-ground coffee type of person. So I built a recipe that worked for me. This is the recipe for a single cup, increase proportions for more brew, adjusting the quantity of cardamom seeds to taste.

  1. In your coffee grinder put your measure of roasted coffee beans, quantity to taste.
  2. Take one to three green cardamom pods and crush them on the counter. Separate the seeds from the green skin, put the seeds in the grinder with your beans. (I found three pods works for me, some people I’ve gave this to prefer two pods, use one pod if you want a lighter taste or just as starting place to work up from. For me, four pods per cup was too much, but I can see people who would prefer more pods.)
  3. Grind the coffee beans and cardamom seeds together until the coffee is the grind level you want to work with.
  4. Brew the coffee the way you prefer.
  5. The resulting brew may be more bitter than you like. As I usually use a touch of cream or milk to lighten and sweeten my coffee, I also use a touch of honey in this cardamom coffee.


Coffee brewing


Look, there are a million ways to brew a cup of coffee. (If not a literal million, it often feels like it.)

This tip is for when you are doing any kind of brewing where you manually add hot water to the grinds, such as for pouring through a paper filter. It gives the grounds a chance to bloom in the water, surrounding each coffee granule with near-boiling water to extract the maximum bean juices.

  1. Put the ground coffee in to a clean glass jar or cup with at least 8 oz of volume.
  2. Pour boiling water in to the coffee cup you will use for making coffee. This heats the cup and cools the water slightly to  brewing temperature.
  3. Pour 4+ oz slightly-cooled water over the grounds in the jar/cup, then stir until fully moistened.
  4. Wait 15 to 30 seconds, but not much longer than 1 minute so it doesn’t cool down too much.
  5. Pour the water and grounds over your filter, finish brewing as usual.

You can use this method to prepare coffee for a large coffee maker.

At one cafe I go to, I noticed they do a similar thing. They put the grounds in a French press, let it sit, then press it, and pour the resulting brew through a paper or gold filter. Functionally the same was what I do at home, with more to clean-up.

Homemade barbecue sauce



I asked my wife if she wanted a classic red tomato sweet-tangy sauce for barbecue, and of course the answer was yes. Sure, a Hoisin sauce-style would go well, too, but some things just scream “BBQ SAUCE!”

Rather than having a secret family recipe, I prefer to create one from scratch each time and savor the process and result. I suppose one day I’ll cook up something with bourbon and bourbon vanillla, but for now today’s sauce went something like this. All ingredients used are organic and/or from our own urban farm.

  1. Filled a two-quart pot more than half-way with frozen cherry tomatoes – from last Summer’s garden. I poured in about two tablespoons of white vinegar, then put a lid on and ran them on medium heat until they were heated through. Once soft, I mashed them down with a potato masher.
  2. Chopped and added to the tomatoes: one small mild green pepper, one-quarter of a big red bell pepper, and one medium yellow onion. I put the lid back on and simmered it until the veggies were all cooked through.
  3. Put the whole mess in to the blender, put on a lid with the center hole open and covered that loosely with a towel. There will be a burst up of hot blending matter when the blender starts, and it is much less explosive when there is an easy vent (the towel) for the heated air to escape.
  4. Blended until smooth, knowing the skins and seeds won’t really blend so don’t bother. Ran this all through a fine-mesh sieve, using a silicone spatula to rub the sauce back, forth, around in circles until all the juices ran through the sieve. Scrapped the bottom of the side, and fed the tomato skins and seeds to the chickens.
  5. This sauce base now needs flavor balancing with a focus on sweet-tangy. I put in more salt to taste (less than a teaspoon, we want this sauce to go with salty/savory foods), a few grinds of black pepper, a few shakes of hot sauce, a tablespoon of sweet red paprika (basically roasted and ground sweet red peppers), then the tart and sweet: just less than  1/4 cup of coconut sugar crystals (works like brown sugar), 1/4 cup honey, and just a bit more than 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with a few shakes of white vinegar and blood-orange balsamic vinegar. Adjust the sweet-tangy to taste and preference; I ended up shaking in a bit more red wine vinegar, too.
  6. Put a screen lid on top of the sauce and reduced it to almost half of the original volume (very messy). Rebalanced flavors, and it’s done. planet using OpenShift


After Jason Brooks made an OpenShift quickstart for Venus, the blog feed aggregator known as a planet, I knew it was time to finally get off the ground.

I registered this domain years ago as a community project identity for getting free expo passes to LinuxWorld. It was just an idea for a domain name that came to my head at the moment of registration, as a crossover of my interests in free and open software and cooking.

So I am kicking off this idea, with myself as Chef de Cuisine, and inviting folks who are involved in free/open source software and who like to cook to be on the planet. All these folks need to do is provide me with a feed link. For example, when I write for something to appear on the Linuxchefs planet, I’ll use the tag ‘linuxchefs’ for the post, and it will automatically appear on the Linuxchefs planet.

Interested? Drop me an email.

Blog back from cracked


This blog was offline for a few weeks, as well as some other websites of mine, after they all go infected with a PHP hack that inserted into each file code that was disguised in base64. It most likely vectored-in via an unpatched exploit in one of the sites. It all started somewhat small with just two sites, but I wasn’t able to clean it up in time, and it ended up infecting all of my sites.

In the end, I did what I should have done in the first place – turned over the de-cracking to DreamHost’s team. They cleaned out all the evil, and I’ve been busy changing passwords, reinstalling from fresh code, and so forth.

Report and presentation materials for “oVirt – Infrastructure and management platform for the datacenter”


This presentation was the first run of a consolidated slide show about the oVirt project. (ODP, PDF) Wow, it was a lot of dense content to cover, with a range of topics. What is KVM, what is OVA (Open Virtualization Alliance), how KVM works in general, why it’s superior and desirable in the enterprise, history of the oVirt project, what the components of oVirt are, how the community works, how to get involved, and lots of other material in between.

Where it comes to talking about all the technologies involved, I admittedly fell a bit short. I haven’t been keeping up on every TLA in the related technical spaces around oVirt and KVM, and I didn’t get through a full research on all the topics before the presentation. One of my strategies, though, is to just run this presentation to learn what is and isn’t appropriate for a presentation. So I told the audience it was a new presentation, thanked them for being beta testers, and acknowledged that some in the audience certainly know more on the topic than I do and I appreciate chiming in with answers.

Which happened a few times, thank ye gods and goddesses.

In addition, I chopped up the original 21 slide presentation in to 91 slides, with each slide covering one topic. This is similar to one paragraph for an idea when writing. The decision to do this came from a late-Saturday-night discussion with Josh Berkus, who has some fame and skill in presenting. (Once I learned that a slide of mine from a State of Fedora Lightning Talk had made it in to Josh’s deck-of-shame – slide 5 in this PDF -  I figured it was worth  a rethink-of-approach. Hey, we all make mistakes.;-D ) The 91-slide version was not optimal, but it was better than the 21-slide version.

Now, to help this slide show be more useful, I will do my part in filling out the notes sections where I actually know what I’m talking about. Jason Brooks is working on a consolidated deck that improves on this one, and I’ll get my notes in to that one as the canonical.

Presentation materials for “How to start an open source project of any scope and size”


Here are the slides from my Friday talk at SCALE10x in the FOSS Mentoring track, “How to start an open source project of any scope and size“: ODP and PDF. These slides are (as usual) under a Creative Commons CC BY SA 3.0.

Although a brand-new presentation, I think this one went over pretty well. All of the material I know by heart and can speak on extemporaneously (i.e., for many hours on end). For this reason, my notes section is unusually (for me) empty. I’m going to work on filling out those notes – that makes it more useful for others to reuse, thus adding more fuel to the Creative Commons licensing – and I’ll make a generic version available in presentations directory.

This was a good enough talk that I think it can be useful again in other locations – it really does a good job of distilling a huge amount of the information you need to start, sustain, and grow an open source project. I’ll be submitting it other places, hopefully more people agree with Gareth and put me on somewhere!

SCALE 10X-citement – oVirt and starting a FOSS project


After having to sadly cancel last year for SCALE 9X, my family and I are looking forward (nervously) to SCALE 10X this coming weekend. You’ll see us at:

So my Friday talk at 3 pm is,”How to start and sustain an open source project of any size“. I’ll be going through the start/sustain bits, and trying to do some actual work with the audience. I’m hoping some of the audience will be interested in starting a project, or already working on it, and we can do some work for their efforts as a group.

Also on Friday I’ll be attending the Fedora Activity Day (FAD) that starts at 10 am – I’ll be there to help and learn.

My daughters are joining their friend to give “Ultimate Boredom 2.0” at 11:30 am on Saturday as part of the SCALE: The Next Generation youth conference. I think the talk title is an allusion to how much they think they will bore you (ultimately), which must be greater than the two other times they have given a similar talk (2.0). In addition to talking about how they’ve participated in open source projects, they’ll cover some of their favorite free/open source software – last I saw the presentation covered GIMP, OpenShot, TuxPaint, and Hydrogen.

Finally, on Sunday morning at 11:30 am I’ll be giving, “oVirt – Infrastructure and management platform for the data center“. This is a general what-is-oVirt, how-did-it-come-to-be, where-might-it-be-going presentation, similar to the one Carl Trieloff gave at the start of the oVirt workshop in November 2011.

See you in LA!

oVirt workshop


The first oVirt workshop starts up at 8:30 am on Tuesday 1 November at Cisco Building O in Milpitas, CA.

This event is the open sourcing of the code behind the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) management console. These assets have been rewritten in Java from the original implementation by the team that was originally from Qumranet before their acquisition by Red Hat.

As with the rest of the open source virtualization stack (Linux kernel, KVM, etc.), we all benefit the most from a strong, sustainable open upstream. Having that upstream dominated by one vendor will greatly restrict the innovation possible by the project. For this reason, Red Hat went out to a number of interested parties, offering a seat on the initial board (which is later filled meritocratically) for any organization willing to put 10 resources to work on the project. For the initial board, that list is Canonical, Cisco, IBM, Intel, NetApp, Red Hat, and SUSE.

I got involved in this because the project’s technical director, Carl Trieloff, called on our Community Architecture and Leadership team to help with community scaffolding for the launch and beyond. Since then I’ve been building the website, setting up the communications, creating and filling the wiki, helping with the source repository, starting an open services infrastructure team so all community members can help, and organizing this workshop with Robyn Bergeron.

So this is what I’ve been up to, which I really should have been writing about, but … ah, life.

Astronomy curriculum for Fall 2011


My 13-year-old daughter wanted to take an astronomy class at the local community college, but alas it was full with actual college students. (She can start taking classes at 13, and this was a first interest.)

Instead we are going to watch lots of astronomy videos and see what that inspires. Maybe a new project? Also, she has a former teacher who took us up to her ridge-top-clear-view-in-the-Santa-Cruz-Mountains home for some telescoping, and we’d like to arrange for that again. Maybe after she dreams up a new project? One project I suggested was to study up, then take her own video of the night sky and narrate it, then edit it for a short piece on … something.

So I’m going to use this post and regularly update it with the videos we or she are going to watch or did watch, just so we get a nice running total. I’ll also link in the websites we use, etc.

  • – I plan to get this book and possibly use it as a core item, since I think the cosmology and humanistic viewpoint will appeal to Malakai.
  • – Yeah, I know, i could just start and stop here. 🙂