While we finish the Summer Coding 2010 page, it is past time for you all to let us know the problems you would like to see solved by summer coding/internship students. Idea page is here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Summer_Coding_2010_ideas How-to fill out an ideas page is here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_an_idea_page_for_Summer_Coding Let’s get this filled with serious ideas you are willing […]
Category Archives: Fedora
A cornerstone of our Fedora Summer Coding is connecting sponsors (those with resources to share) with students (those with time, passion, and skills to share.)Â It’s not necessary as a sponsor to have ideas of how your resources should be used, that’s what the Fedora Project and JBoss.org mentors and sub-projects are prepared to do. […]
Now that the textbook is out and in use, I’m turning my random spitball approach1 at Fedora Summer Coding. We had a SIG meeting yesterday, and today I worked on updating the plan. With that plan we can populate the messaging page. What’s that? It’s where people read what they need to know, depending on […]
After months of work and a last-weekend rush of conversion from MediaWiki to DocBook+Publican, the Teaching Open Source writing team has released version 0.8 of “Practical Open Source Software Exploration: How to Be Productively Lost the Open Source Way“. (HTML single-page and PDF.) This week, Dr. Tim Budd at Oregon State University (and member of […]
More on Publican
01-Apr-10When writing about the Practical Open Source Software Exploration textbook release, I had a bunch of extra thoughts about Publican that I wanted to separate out to its own post. My sense is that Publican is in good shape for groups to adopt and extend.1Â For example, there was a recent discussion in a MeeGo […]
This is an idea I’ve said in presentations and in person over and over again, about time I give it a home. Where Wikipedia is a useful information source and starting place for deeper exploration beyond it’s reference-focused world, there is so much more that can be done with it to help teach the open […]
There is a work sprint you might be interested in observing or participating in if you … Use MediaWiki for writing long works and want to see how it is to convert to DocBook XML. Want to know more about using DocBook XML and the Publican publishing toolchain. Enjoy watching people edit XML like mad. […]
Diversity check
25-Mar-10Please remove your house colors for a moment and let go of your pre-judgement about the word diversity. A diversity check is the moment when you look something over you have done, such as a presentation/talk, documentation, writing a blog post or an email, where you must think, “Did I just write this for people […]
As soon as I decided to write an Ada Lovelace Day tribute to a woman in computing, I almost immediately stumbled across Lana Brindley’s post on computer engineer Barbie. It was a nice serendipity. This week Lana’s posts on technical writing were both inspiring and directly helpful in terms of supplying content to a textbook […]
Fedora Summer Coding continues
18-Mar-10Fedora Project and JBoss.org were not accepted by Google as an umbrella mentoring organization for their Summer of Code this year. We’ve been involved since the beginning with many successes. This year we decided to embrace the umbrella organization that Google stitched together from separate JBoss.org and Fedora Project applications a few years ago and […]